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That's a wrap on Coaster Con 2024!

The Event has come to a close, and I want to thank all of those who attended and stopped by our Booth! These events are always fun, and this year was no different! It is always cool to see what other servers are working on, especially the new tech being developed by the community. And I'm happy to say that we will be returning to the event next year! This year marked our 3rd, and our Booth has gotten larger and more advanced every year.

So like last year, we are releasing Development Insider: Coaster Con The Making of a Temple. We'll dive into some of the easter eggs in our booth, as long with exploring how it connects to its larger version on the server. Expect to see this in October! And in case you didn't see, we revealed a new Development Insider at Coaster Con!

If you still have yet to come and see our booth, you have a little more time! If you can't find it, we have a step by step guide to help you! The Map is also really cool to explore, with activities such as Mini-Golf, and Bowling! A great event, and we can't wait for next years!

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