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Meet: TC-5589

Today, we welcome you to meet TC-5589, and no, we didn't mistake TK for TC. Before you meet him, let us introduce you to the TC trooper. TC Troopers are assigned to Director Krennic. Besides Krennic's personal guard, he does have a garrison of troopers that travel around. At the server place in the timeline, Krennic has arrived on Kendoro, for about a week, but sent his TC troopers ahead to secure the planet under Imperial Operation.

This means (most of) the Stormtroopers you'll meet on Kendoro will be TC troopers, a deadly force of Stormtroopers, but occasionally they'll hit there head of a door.

Now for the moment you've been waiting for, TC5589!

TC-5589 spends his days serving the Empire, at the Kendoro Space Port, harshly greeting the passengers arriving. He's very special because he is the first Stormtrooper to receive text lines on the map. You can take a look at that below!

He is the first of many to receive speaking lines. Stay tuned for the next development update to see what's happening behind the scenes, and stay around for more articles like these! May The Force Be With You...

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