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KaminoMC | Trailer Breakdown

As you probably know, KaminoMC dropped a teaser trailer yesterday! Along with announcing that the server would be coming to a Galaxy Near you this Winter! We can't wait to show you what we're working on. So we took some stills from the trailer, that you can take a look at!


The Trailer Opened with a familiar look, the KaminoMC logo is definitely one of our favorites!


We then got a fly over of the Imperial Cargo hold, they have to keep there stuff secure! You'll see lots of these around the map.


Speaking of the Empire, check out these amazing Stormtroopers! Ready to enforce the Empires might, their ready for a battle, not Move Along.


Did you see this horse? He's the maps only real-world item, and he came by on accident! We are currently trying to name him, let us know in the comments!


As you know, Admiral Rampart is the hologram enforcing chain-codes, after the order 66 is declared. So, he's here on Kendoro ensuring no one leaves without their chain codes.


Ah, more stormtroopers!


Lastly we see the abandoned ruins, bombed out by the empire, very delicate, wouldn't recommend going near them!


We can't wait to share more, but until then May The Force Be With You....

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