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Development Insider: Summer Edition

Hello there! Welcome back to another edition of Development Insider. First things first, you may have noticed the new "Summer Edition" instead of the usual "May Issue". I have decided to make less of these, but make them longer and show more features. If we do one every month, you may not see something extra cool. If we do longer versions, we have more things to show you. With that out of the way, lets get started!

Happy May! This month is always big for Star Wars. With May the 4th, Revenge of the Sixth, new releases, trailers, anniversary's and more. We are no exception. Over the past 4 weeks we have made lots of progress on core features, that you get to enjoy. So today let's take a look at some of them. Starting with NPC's.

NPC's? Yes NPC's. NPC's are a critical part of our server, whether it be a Jedi Master teaching his apprentice, or a simple shop keeper making his way through the galaxy. They help make our planets lived in. Making them interactable, so you can talk to them, was always a core feature I wanted on this server. I also wanted them to be unpredictable, so you never know what your getting yourself into when you say hello. I went to talk to one of them recently, take a look.

As you can see, there are several options. Those options can lead to quests, random rewards, or nowhere. This gives us the ability to create unique quests, which can only be obtained if your conversation leads to it. It also makes it so you'll keep going back, to the same NPC, and maybe you'll find yourself stealing expensive blue milk? Like I said earlier, we can make the towns and planets lived in, with random NPC's you can talk to, and maybe hear their life story. We can't wait for you to come and interact with the NPC's, and see what a simple Hello could turn into. Now I think I said NPC enough, shall we move onto combat? Yes, I said combat. Star Wars has always been known for the incredible duels, and action. It is also known for a little sword called the Lightsaber. If you don't know what that is, close this tab and go watch Star Wars. You can't have a Minecraft server without a Lightsaber. Take a look at our early beta lightsaber.

Don't worry, I only died once trying to film that. The model itself isn't very pretty right now, but like I said this is early beta and not all the features are complete. As you saw, you can turn it off and on. I'm not sure why, but I always wanted that from the start. (Also a safety feature so you don't accidently kill someone, unless you want to.) You can also boomerang it! This is very fun to play with, and looks pretty good if I say so myself. Saves you a few steps, and is good for striking enemy's by surprise. This is truly a Jedi weapon, unless your a Sith. Our lightsabers will be customizable, you'll be able to choose your hilt, and the color of the blade. Best part is, you have to find the crystal first! (Didn't say we'd make it easy.) I'm sure you're all excited to wield the weapon, unless your more of a blaster guy. They'll have some pretty cool weapons of their own. That brings us to the end of this edition. We can't wait to share more! (Especially a certain Force.) Thank you all for reading, and if you'd like to see more teasers, or interact with our community, be sure to join our Discord (We are currently doing a Skywalker Saga: Galactic Edition giveaway which you should check out!) and subscribe to our Youtube channel!

Until next time, May the Force be with you.... always.

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