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Development Insider September Issue

Hello there, has it been a month already! September has arrived, and that means another month of Development Insider! Incase you aren't familiar with Development Insider, it's a monthly article going into what we've been working on in the world of minecart, whether it be Builds, or actual dev work. Last month we talked about Ferrix, but this month we're doing something different, shall we start?

Coaster Con: The making of Hanger 1

We usually talk about our server, but at the start of this month we were present at Coaster Con, we had a booth showcasing our server. So we thought you might want to see some behind the scenes of that process, if not come back next month!

Hanger 1 actually wasn't out first idea. We started with the idea of building a small portion of Ferrix, didn't work out. Then we thought what about Tatooine? That was actually built, then I didn't like it. So we ended up with this, which I think was for the best.

We started with the exterior, and worked downward. Each plot was allowed a basement, which the majority of our build takes place. You can see the start below.

Next we touched up the outside, and moves insider. Entering through the opening, you were met with an elevator to take you down to the main level. We went through many iterations of what we wanted down there. The whole thing was going to be a cargo hold, but then I remembered that most Hanger ports in Star Wars have hallways connecting them to both bays, and cargo holds. So we started with a hallway, which you can see below.

Next we started the rest of the layout, including both the Cargo Bay, and the Info center.

Originally the Info center was going to go beneath the cargo bay, but we ended up with some extra space, so we put it next to it. After the layout was done, we built the cargo bay, which you can see in the picture below, it may look small, but we crammed ever detail inside it.

Next onto the info center! Our big concern was how we should transition the dark cargo bay, to a lit up info center. Our thought was to continue the white hallway, but that would look odd. So we had this idea, which you can see below.

Unfortunately it wasn't bright enough, and we couldn't put the lights in the wall like for the cargo bay, as there was no room. So we came up with this idea, which you can see below.

Then we built the info center, and that was about it. Almost it.....

We had to include easter eggs, as that's what Star Wars is all about, right? We had a few, two in particular we know you could find. One was located on the side of the hanger, which you can see below.

Hello there! Never gets old does it? And we also had one that may of been harder to find if you couldn't fly.

This one was located on the roof of the Hanger. And that brings us to the end. Did you attend the event? Did you stop by our booth? Join our discord and let us know! Take a look at some of the coaster con pictures we took below. We hope you enjoyed this addition, and come back next month for Tatooine: The Rise Of The Underworld.

Check out some of our hidden Star Wars quotes.

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