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Development Insider | November Addition 11/18/22

Hello There! SPOILER WARNING: This post contains spoilers for the minecraft server. If you wish to not see anything from behind the scenes then we suggest you skip this one.

Development insider is a monthly release of our server secret side, the stuff you currently can't, see and to show you progress, and our ideas. This is a website exclusive and is released monthly. So without further ado lets get into it!

We'll start with the incredible detail on our server, in the picture above you can see a stair case, going up to the top of something, but guess what, you'll never see this! That shows the detail is crazy, things in buildings you can't even enter! Along with this, we have some more to share with you.

Here is another example of something you'll never see, a control center for running the fuel line to the space port, it sits on top, and can only be accessed by walking across a bridge, from that stair case above!

Now for the building up-date, every now and then we switch it up, sometimes we work on the city portion, other times we work in the Mines. This month we've been focusing on the mines, but before that, we re-did, and updated our space port, as seen in teasers over the past weeks. But back to the Mines, we are starting construction on the 2nd one, as the 1st one is still being worked on. Earlier this month we started work on a transport vehicle. As seen in the picture below.

We ran into a hiccup along the way, we had already built the space it pulls into, which was probably a bad idea on our end, because we made it a tad to small, it was 7 blocks high, which we thought would be fine. We tried to make the Juggernaut small enough to fit, but it just didn't look right. So instead we deleted the hanger below.

The hanger was 7 by 9 at its lowest point. So now that we've updated the Hanger, to a larger size, but also updated the look of it all. It is now about 14 blocks tall, and can house the Juggernaut and more. The Mines will be the primary focus over the next month, and we hope to share more progress with you next month! We've had a busy month revamping, and changing our map layout, and have reached a final design. The map will not also contain a prison which we are very excited for.

That's all for this issue of Development insider, and if you havn't already be sure to check out last months as well. Thanks for reading, and May The Force Be With You.

- judedude220

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