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Development Insider: March Addition 3/20/23

Hello There, before we begin, this article contain Spoilers for the Minecraft Server, along with behind the scene looks, if you wish not to see any of this, you may want to skip this one.



Welcome to this months addition of Development Insider, today we are discussing the stuff you'll actually be experiencing on our server, which is a big deal as we approach our servers competition. So, lets take a look at what we've been working on the last 2 months.

First of lets talk about features we know are possible, and are either done, or being worked on. First is the basics, which are quests. Out quests will be in-depth, and have a story to them, so you'll actually be living the character you choose, weather you collect blocks, talk to scum, steal credits, and more. But, if you've played on any server like ours, you know what quests are, so lets move on to the more interesting things.

So you can get quests, but how? Our server will also include in-depth with multiple ending conversations, so you can talk to the character multiple times, and get a different outcome. Weather it takes you to a new planet, gives you a quest, or you need directions, you'll always find a friendly, or scummy alien to talk to you.

Now moving onto plugins, over the past month MC Manager Justin developed a really neat plugin. The plugin allows you to go around Tatooine, or any other planet and collect scrap. Which in return you can trade for credits, or items, and even collect them for quests.

As you've see we have been busy this month, and we are continuing to work of 2 big features, including a Force Plugin, and Pod Racing that we look foreword to bringing to you this year. Stay tuned on our Website, and Discord. If your interested in joining our team you can apply here.

And until next month, May The Force Be With You...

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