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Development Insider: January Addition 1/18/23

Hello There, before we begin, this article contain Spoilers for the Minecraft Server, along with behind the scene looks, if you wish not to see any of this, you may want to skip this one.



We recently announced two new planets to our Lineup, including Tatooine & Ferrix! Todays addition will be focusing on Ferrix. So without further ado, lets get into it! Ferrix is a planet located in the Morlana Sector. The planet first appeared in the new Star Wars Series Andor. You can read about the planet here, but we will release a backstory when we get closer to completion. Today you'll get to see exclusive teasers, what we've been working on, and more.

The first building we started with was the Hotel. Instead of starting with the bell tower, we decided to start with this, for scale purpose. Once you get the largest building built, the rest is scaled correctly. You can probably see the interior isn't done. The whole interior isn't well documented yet. The way we are building it, is building everything that you can see in the show first, then use our creative skills to do the rest of the planet. So starting with Rix Rode made sense.

We are using both set images, concept art, and of-course final images to built it. The planet will be on the larger scale, with both the main city, along with the scrapper area. With allot of detail. Including lots of models. Which you can see below.

Models do what blocks can't. Having models gives the builds a more detailed, and realistic look. Ferrix is still in the building stages, but we get closer everyday. So why do Ferrix? I liked Andor, allot. And I liked the aesthetic of Ferrix, it gives a more realistic build, while still being in Star Wars, much like the show itself. I was just planning on building it in my own time, but decided it would be a nice addition to the server.

We hope you enjoyed this addition of Development Insider, and we can't wait to share more. Be sure to stay tuned for February's addition, for Tatooine! Until then May The Force Be With You...

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