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Coaster Con | Everything You Need To Know

We are just over a week away from Coaster Con, and here's everything we have planned, and what you need to know before the event. We've been teasing a special announcement during the weekend of the event, and people attending will get the first look at what we have in store.



We are heading to Coaster Con, a Minecraft server convention, where different Minecraft communities can show off their builds. This event takes place between September 3rd - 5th. Additional Information can be found here. Our booth takes place on a familiar planet, that anyone could recognize. Maybe come get a glass of blue milk?



Coaster Con is also a Awards show, although we are not taking part this year, as out Minecraft server isn't quite open. All players will be able to particiapate in this event, even those who don't own Minecraft, for more information on the Event, visit the Coasters & Crafters Website.



Where will we be present? Our server representatives will be there throughout the event, but one time you almost guaranteed to come and see us, is during the Booth Showcase, both on Saturday & Sunday. ( Timetable for Event ) Come and stop by, and we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have! We hope to see you at the event, and can't wait to share more on the future of KaminoMC.


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